Affiliate marketing is a method of doing business online where you try and get potential customers to view websites of online merchants. This is done by building a website that advertises a certain product. Usually this is done by making a deal with the merchant and you will get a website with a unique link or banner. If a customer goes to your link or banner and makes a purchase of the product, then the merchant you have tied up with will pay you a commission or flat fee.

To becoming an affiliate marketer is not difficult. All that you need is some self confidence and then find a company or website that offers affiliate marketing programs. Finding a marketing company these days is not difficult. Just look around for reputable affiliate networks. There are many advantages that come with affiliate marketing and some of them will be discussed below.

The number one advantage of affiliate marketing is that you will be able to work from anywhere in the world or your home. It is an internet based business, so as long as you have access to a computer and internet connection, you will be able to do it. Number 2, it will not require a large start up cost to get started. If one takes into account the potential income that can be generated, it takes almost nothing to get started. In fact the income potential is huge. With full time affiliate marketing, monthly incomes as much as 20,000 dollars a month are not unusual. Another great advantage of affiliate marketing is that it does not require product inventory, because it is internet based you are selling strictly through the internet which means you will not have to stock up on goods.

Another tool that is being widely used to develop an affiliate marketing business is blogging. Some examples of blogging income sources used by affiliate marketers are, Google AdSense, Yahoo publisher network, Adbrite, commission junction and click bank. Out of these, Google AdSense is the number 1 site and is the most widely used site used by affiliate marketers. It is considered to be the most user friendly and you can get help if there are any problems with setting things up. Yahoo publisher network is also a large group. The advantage of yahoo publishers is that you can customize the appearance of the site.

Adbrite ads work by using text and banner advertisements. Bloggers have the choice of using a full page ad also. Adbrite is in direct competition with Google AdSense. Many bloggers prefer it over AdSense, because it pays better and is supposed to be even more user friendly. Commission junction is owned by Value click and it is usually affiliated with Amazon. Click bank is a popular and well known affiliate marketing program. This one is considered to be one of the best if you want an e-book for your blog. The commission is one of the highest and you will get paid fortnightly.

What do you think? Do you have any to share feel free to drop a comment.

  1. Unknown April 24, 2011 at 4:00 PM  

    I think Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online.
    it only needs good and targeted website traffic.


  2. Emmanuel September 22, 2011 at 12:05 PM  

    sure bro.

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